More Widespread Use of Risk Insurance

Explore with CCRIF the expansion of the parametric insurance coverage to droughts (for farmers), crop damage, fisheries and public utilities damage.
Work with CCRIF to expand access to the Livelihood Protection Policy to as wide a pool of vulnerable low-income persons in Dominica as possible.
Ensure adequate insurance coverage of all critical public assets.
With the support of other CARICOM States, negotiate with creditors to include disaster-triggers in debt agreements that would extend debt service, through deferred principal and/or interest payments.
Undertake a comprehensive and sustained public education program on the importance of adequate insurance coverage.
Use of Planning Tools to Reduce Risk Exposure
The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre has developed a suite of tools that help in forecasting risk and identifying the steps that should be taken to minimize risks and vulnerabilities. These tools should be incorporated into the national planning system.
Use of the CCORAL tool to screen national development projects to determine whether an activity would be exposed to climate risk and therefore require mitigative actions to reduce or eliminate the impacts.
Use of the weather generator, CARIWIG, for the generation of site-specific climate scenarios for use in impact studies.
Use of the storm forecast tool – SMASH, for the forecast of possible damage from a storm passing over any part of a country.
Use of the drought prediction tool – CaRDiRO, for early forecast of drought conditions.