Develop and commission a comprehensive Multi-Hazard National Early Warning System
Initiate the mapping of all Early Warning System equipment and systems by and within all agencies and organizations which host them along with activity log databases.
Develop Maintenance plans and procedures for all EWS equipment
Enact legislation for disaster risk reduction and early warning systems
Ensure sufficient allocations in annual budgets to purchase, upgrade, install, maintain and discard (where necessary) modern equipment, inclusive of services of the relevant human resources.
Safeguard the placement of EWS equipment to ensure more resilience to weathering and external events such as vandalism, floods, high winds etc.
Design and implement a comprehensive, national multi-hazard early warning system for Saint Lucia.
Proactively source and establish a principal Multi-Hazard Early Warning System command center, manned 24 hours daily by locally trained technical staff. This center should be equipped with modernized systems and equipment that detect and monitor multiple hazards in real time/near real time.
Establish a repository for storing and managing Early Warning System data, all Disaster Risk Reduction related plans, and information for dissemination and orientation to help guide all activities and practices on the island.
Devise strategies to improve hazard forecasting for more accuracy.
Develop protocols to facilitate the rapid evacuation of residents from communities that may be heavily impacted by a pending natural disaster.
Establish evacuation jetties to facilitate evacuations and the distribution of emergency supplies at strategic locations around the island.