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Youth Development
Government must stop viewing youth involvement as a quota to be fulfilled. Young people have very important roles to play in development,...
Citizen Empowerment
Government must ensure that the rights of workers are always protected. Legislation that prevents the exploitation of workers must be...
Protecting The Vulnerable
Modern spaces should be developed in all communities, using existing physical infrastructure like libraries and human resource centres,...
Disability Empowerment
Disability policy issues have long been largely ignored by governments. The responsibility for disability affairs usually sits uneasily...
Education and Human Resource Development
The development of our human capital is one of the most important goals of any administration. ​ Transforming the System Unfortunately,...
Reducing Crime
Our crime reduction program must be based on the premise that there are no 'acceptable' levels of crime. Therefore, all our efforts must...
A smart Government cultivates and nurtures good relations with strategic partners at home and externally to assist with its development...
Our Global Identity
The development agenda of the country should be thoroughly articulated, following an inclusive process of consultation, and used as the...
Public Administration
The Public Service is important for the proper functioning of government and the effective delivery of services to the public. Therefore,...
Media and Information Technology
Government should provide the environment that allows the media to operate free of political intimidation or censure. ​ Legislation and...
Citizen Empowerment
Government must ensure that the rights of workers are always protected. Legislation that prevents the exploitation of workers must be...
Fighting Corruption
Accountability of the ​work of the Cabinet and the operations of the Public Service must be s ignificantly improved through the proper...
Good Governance
Citizen Engagement Government must engage the citizenry in solving the critical problems facing the country. Unless the citizens accept...
Constitution Reform
There is consensus that the Saint Lucia Constitution should be modernized so that it better reflects the goals and aspirations of our...
Urgent Problems Facing Saint Lucia
While the emphasis should always be on defining a medium to long-term vision for the country and articulating sensible, practicable plans...
Our Post COVID-19 Priorities
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the economy of Saint Lucia and that of many of the countries in the Caribbean. The...
Building a Resilient Country
Our country is vulnerable because of its small size, its dependence on many critical imports, its large negative balance of trade, its...
Expanding the Economy and Creating More Employment Opportunities
Saint Lucia’s economy has traditionally depended on one or two main industries. During the first half of the twentieth century, we...
Pursuing a Progressive Governance Agenda
There is general agreement among many Saint Lucians that the operations of government, at all levels, must be improved. Steadily, we have...
Transforming and Modernizing the Social Services
The social infrastructure of our country needs serious attention. Every element of our social services is stressed, some to the point of...
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