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Post Disaster Relief Coordination
Effective Post-Disaster Relief Coordination ​ Strengthen National Emergency Coordination Mechanisms Review and update all sector specific...

Flood and Landslide Risk Management
Flood Risk Management Activities:​ Develop Flood Hazard maps that incorporate data from all recent rainfall events. Develop a...

Risk Insurance
More Widespread Use of Risk Insurance Activities:​ Explore with CCRIF the expansion of the parametric insurance coverage to droughts (for...

Early Warning Systems
Activities: ​ Develop and commission a comprehensive Multi-Hazard National Early Warning System Initiate the mapping of all Early Warning...

Planning and Land Use
Activities: ​ Review and develop policies and a legal framework to support coordinated retreat from high-risk areas. Assign...

Benchmarking Vulnerability
Vulnerability and Resilience Evidence Base The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), with the assistance of the United States...

Resilient Energy Sector
Climate Risk Assessment of Energy Infrastructure Activities: ​ Encourage LUCELEC to undertake a climate risk screening of its...

Resilient Shelters
Activities: ​ Construct or retrofit multi-use buildings that can be used as shelters, able to withstand the impacts of a Category 5...
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